Tips when purchasing a home with a septic system
There are things you can do to ensure a trouble free septic system when you are purchasing a home. Making sure the system was designed properly and that the previous owners maintained the system will save you from trouble down the road. Here is a simple checklist to help:
Septic System Checklist for Homebuyers
Ask questions:
- How old is the system?
- What is the size of the system?
- Have there been any previous problems?
- Has it ever backed into the house?
- Is there a maintenance record?
- When was the septic tank last pumped?
Check the following:
- Make sure the septic tank is accessible for pumping.
- Fully check the system. Locate the soil absorption field and check the grounds for seeping effluent. You can inspect leech beds by purchasing a biodegradable dye to put down your sink. The dye will surface in the leech bed if you have a problem. E. C. Babbert, Inc. can furnish this dye.
- Have a professional check to make sure the septic system is properly sited.
- Determine what needs to be done, if anything, before you buy the house.
Proper maintenance will prolong the life of your system. Please refer to our Septic System Care page for information or contact our service department.
Office: 614-837-8444